We are All in this Together - FIT Human Performance

We are All in this Together


April 5, 2020 –

Toward the end of March we all began experiencing change.  Change in thinking about our health for one. There is a chance of catching a terrible worldwide virus, COVID-19.  We, and I say that on a broad scope, all might need to think about calling on a higher power.  For some, the Corona-19 virus has been life threatening, it is no laughing matter at all.  On that note, we should all have a moment of silence for the families who are genuinely suffering.  The rest of us still must heed the advice of our leadership and practice social distancing and actually stay at home. CHANGE is happening to us all. 

See if this hits close to home? 

This past Saturday my wife and I had some leisure time on our hands (like most of us who are sheltering in place) and utilized the television for entertainment.  We binge-watched the newest episodes of a series and spent several hours doing the couch potato workout, and related diet. I am still contending with the results of that behavior. That behavior was a change for us (not all change is good).

Sunday morning, having coffee.  I dropped a stevia on floor and leaned down to pick it up.  I must have groaned loud enough for Sharon to ask me, ‘are you stiff’?  No not that, my back!  Yes, after many hours of recliner-hip posture, my spine and hip girdles were suffering.  So, lets do behavior review and repair;

Physically – seated position of triple flexion/ Legs bent – hip’s, knees, and ankles.  

That alone is hard on the postural muscles of the upper back, lower back, and core!  But when completely relaxed the body takes on all kids of postural deviations. From slumped back, using zero core recruitment, to curled up hyper-flexing joints. The body has many twists and turns available but they are designed for movement rather than fixation.  Thus, seated for extended periods of time in fixed positions does create skeleton dysfunction.  So afterwards stretching is ideal.  But, nobody stretches anymore, (hint-hint) foreshadowing.  


The above photograph depicts behavior we might all be experiencing and possibly even enjoying … but the important lesson is that we still need to take care of ourselves.  Other than social distancing … diet and exercise are still a daily personal responsibility.  Yes, for a strong immune system to fend off a virus, we need to eat healthy and move our bodies!

FIX the posture.  

First think about how your frame, is it bent or balanced.  When you are sitting, are your joints in balance or twisted and torqued?  The head should be balanced over your neck and spine, facing foreword.  Your shoulders should be pulled downward and slightly retracted (shoulders down and back.)  Scaption!  Most of you definitely know how to do that.  And the hips, knees, and ankles should have natural movement and be relaxed.

Example stretches for calves, hamstring, quadriceps, low-back and neck;

FIX the foods.  

First know that all food has calories, measured in energy.   Calories that are not expended in exercise or metabolism are stored as fat. There are no shortcuts or gimmicks … Law of Thermodynamics – Calories in = Calories out.   I’d like to think, “eat more & move more!”  Calories out is metabolism and exercise !

Make sure the foods we consume are healthy and provide nutrient dense calories..  Check out the link on my website Daily Calorie Calculator to determine your base calorie intake needs and the water calculator Daily Water Calculator to make sure you are staying hydrated.

FIT Challenge.   

With social distancing still in effect its really hard to exercise not going to the gym.  Home exercise can be moderate without the tools a FIT studio or independent/public gym have available.  Gyms have weights and tools for strength building, equipment designed to challenge the cardiovascular system, and most important encouragement from a pro – ME!  What FIT would like to offer in the month of April is a FIT FIX Challenge!  Because if your not moving calories out of your body … they are storing as fat.   YUK!

TODAY starting right now and until we are past this CHANGE in our community what will you do?  Well you know how I like to ask you to be involved in your fitness and even send you an occasional challenge?  Great, well get up off that couch and burn some calories!  Here is your April challenge – The FIT High Knee Challenge!

In good health,


When we think of the major threats to our national security, the first to come to mind are nuclear proliferation, rogue states and global terrorism. But another kind of threat lurks beyond our shores, one from nature, not humans – a flu pandemic. – Barack Obama
