March Your Butt Off - FIT Human Performance

March Your Butt Off


March 1, 2020

This year has already been active and results driven!  That is of course, if you have been applying yourselves to the FIT Challenges.  In January many of you told me how awesome you were feeling from the FIT January Plank Challenge and it showed in better posture and a very obvious 6-pack too!  Ok, that was a stretch!  But the posture was obvious and you certainly developed a stronger core.  And yes, everybody just sat up straighter didn’t you? 

February showed up and it seemed the entire community was contending with sinus issues and that horrible pesky cough.  Good thing your core was stronger from the FIT January Plank Challenge and you didn’t throw out your back from coughing so hard!  In February,  I encouraged you to wake up your lower body with the ‘FIT WALL SIT Challenge!  And that was ideal for those who are in athletics or are planning to get active (i.e. downhill skiing, future hikes, or long travels with a heavy suitcase.)

Looking ahead, I am happy to add even more moving parts into the FIT challenge calendar; the FIT Glute Bridge March Challenge!! So, here is the why and the how:

Strong Hips!

How –                         

  • 1. Begin in supine position lying flat on your back,
  • 2.  Exhale and stabilize or engage/tighten your tummy.
  • 3.  Bend both knees to 90* and dorsiflex (lift toes toward knees)
  • 4.  Lift/Extend your hips completely to a stiff core and trunk.
  • 5.  Lift one knee up and pull it toward the chest like marching
  • 6.  Return foot with the heel to the floor and alternate.

Glute Stength = HIP HIP HOORAYY!!  Increase your marching repetitions using the FIT Glute Bridge March Challenge

In good health,


Just keep going. Everybody gets better if they keep at it. – Ted Williams

For those that want to know more about the technical aspects, keep reading. From your back when you engage your core and push your feet downward from a bent knee position, your posterior chair muscles are recruited.  The body is lifted away from the floor with the Hamstrings, Glutes, and Lower Back muscles.  The Posterior chain works when pushing with the heels of the feet.  If, the foot is flat and the ball of the foot/toes are used for pushing the quadriceps take over,  and the movement is less effective. To increase the workload or effort, lift the arms up off the floor and push them upward towards the ceiling or clouds lifting your shoulders, for even increased stabilization and more core work.   Goal, increase your repetitions and endurance to truly get that mid-section and posterior SVELT!

Now, go march your butt off!
