Wine is your Friend - FIT Human Performance

Wine is your Friend


June 15, 2019 –

For years now, I have listened to friends and colleagues mention that ‘a glass of wine a day keeps the doctor away’.  This is the adult version of the childhood saying I listened to about ‘an apple a day’.  As an adult, wine, beer, or booze have been substituted apparently for the apple. All of mentioned items use the same original makeup by the way, sugar.  Many very interesting conversations have emerged from that one underlying premise, that a drink a day is good for you.  Some examples are; it burns calories, burns fat, improves heart health, decreases blood pressure, has anti-aging benefits, has anti-cancer benefits and the list goes on and on.  Well let me give you my take on the main ingredient – alcohol.  In moderation, I like it.  To study the benefits of these theories, I have done significant testing of these products.  My testing was recently done on a trip to Napa Valley and now l have some interesting information to share with you.  

Since the results are in, and after a number of wine tours with trained professionals to attend to my study and answer all my questions; wine apparently is good for you.  The general reply when asking anybody I spoke to …  was “of course, wine is good for you!”  Not one person said a single bad thing about wine consumption.  But the truth is to be found in the calories and the effects on your liver.  Too much of a good thing … is probably not.

If you are interested, here are several well done explanations regarding the benefits and science behind the idea that wine is your friend, here are links for your review;

In good health,


“Penicillin cures, but wine makes people happy (and healthy – says me).”

― Alexander Fleming
