Triggers - FIT Human Performance



June 23, 2019 –

Ok, who is trying to lose weight and get in shape? Most everybody knows that the body they have today is probably not the body they would prefer to have, and on that point we also know how difficult fitness and health really are to improve. Here is an example … somehow the universe knows that if my brain decides to get in shape; and that means lose some weight., I will turn my head or change the channel or walk down to the mailbox … and BOOM there it is.  Messages that remind me what is really important to me (or so I think!)  Without fail…

The subliminal messages that scream at me are “why even try” or “start on Monday.”  And that is usually enough to destroy my will, so shame on the Universe for sabotaging my health.  I think not only would I look better, but I am rather certain I would feel better and move better and yes live longer, if I stayed focused on my health and fitness. And we all know what to do right?! 

Even with common sense, and the years of practice and lessons from school or coaches, we know we should burn more calories than we consume. Easy!  However, exercise methods and theories have changed when it comes to weight loss. Here is my example: 

For years I listened to sports media say CARDIO was the best way to loose weight and get in shape.  Cardio is good yes, but not the mission when losing weight or shaping up. Cardio only burns some calories when you are doing Cardio; weight lifting burns calories during and up to 6 days after lifting.  Certainly somebody out there has been sore for a couple of days after a F.I.T. workout and that is your body calorie burning and shaping up!  Both combined, even better!

Even in my leisure while watching a sporting even, food appears at every commercial and NOW subliminal messages are spattered across the screen.  How are we to filter out the FOOD?!  Take a guess? The D word … Discipline!  Maybe the self-imposed sabotage can be curved with a bit more focus.  Yes!  Less food in and more exercise for more calories out.  But still, that picture screams pizza and triggers me 24/7!  Darn brain.  Calories are king and all the data in todays medical/fitness world does confirm … Nutrition has to be job 1, but don’t forget the weights too.  

In good health,


You have to know your trigger foods, and for me, it’s pizza. – Bob Geib
