The End - FIT Human Performance

The End


June 10, 2018 – 

Over the weekend my wife and I were watching a movie about life and love and it was so nice to see the world through rose colored glasses.  Life isn’t always the way we want or expect it to be, at times it is even better… and others even worse. After the movie finished I took a long hard look at the last frame and got to thinking about our mortality and asked myself, am I in the body I thought I would be at this age?

Mathematically, most of you reading this are ”baby boomers.” And we have been living a life directed at getting older and then retiring.  I think my Dad called it the ‘American Dream’ but the term is quite confusing now with health care and medicine … but the fact of the matter is that we are living a life of choices.  The choices that develop healthy organs and a body comprised of muscle and bone to let us move well.  We are alive to live life and experience all the world has to offer.   If you are unhealthy or weak you might be missing out on the ‘American Healthy Dream.’  Stay strong and live long.  Get busy getting healthy or get busy planning for eternal retirement.  Yes, it is a fact too … the final fact.

I’d like to think my time on earth is half–up, or that the second half is already started.  Shoot, I am a realist.  Both parents had heart disease and so did their parents.  Not a good way to start life, a quadruple generation hand-me down genetic dysfunction that had nothing to do with my decisions at all.  And honestly, my decisions since have been awesome more than 50% of the time BUT I still stayed healthy all along.  Knowing that heart disease is spread all over my genetics I know enough to slow the curse down … and the cure is exercise and healthy eating.

Ask yourself, what are you doing to extend your time on earth?  Are you doing the basic daily-recommended exercises?  Do you have a mental checklist of your homework to work on when you get up out of bed in the morning?

Have you ever owned a pet?  What is the VERY first thing any animal does when it wakes up? They stretch out their spine! Downward dog pose perhaps?

For those of you who are running every day, swimming, or biking … is that to stay young and live long?   Or is it for fun?  Well, what you are doing is saving your life! Did you know that once you hit the age of 60, that every minute you spend exercising is one minute longer of life you have?  And if you ever happen to be a person who does not have the choice any longer and is stuck in a hospital bed with your family all around you … you know where I’m going with this … you might wish you would have been exercising more often. Why is it we put ourselves last? Seriously, get committed about living OR suffer the consequences.  No ‘body’ lives forever right.  But I can assure you; a healthy body lives longer and stronger.

I encourage you to call or visit me today and make a plan of longevity.  In the meantime if you lose some weight, get stronger, sleep better, and eat cleaner … well congratulations on adding years to your life! Get strong, live long!!

In good health,





