The Answer - FIT Human Performance

The Answer


July 7, 2019 –

From the floor of a personal training studio all trainers hear one very common complaint, “the weight just isn’t coming off fast enough!”  Week after week clients show up and give their version of ‘intensity’ or ‘worked as hard as I could’, only to be left frustrated that another week goes by (and closer to swimsuit season) without any scale changes.  I can tell you that literally, emotionally and physically, the weight on their shoulders in bringing them down.  

So, what is the answer to shaping up?  Recently I wrote about the ‘C’ word … Commitment,and for those of you who truly do battle the bulge or step on a stupid scale without change … did you make a true change in your efforts?  I mean honestly; super-hydrated, balanced caloric deficit, cardio bouts while in your proper target heart rate range, stretching, and building muscle to put the bones in alignment to hold your body up correctly!  Honestly, how hard did you actually try?  Change takes time!  As an example, check out this picture … it tells a very honest story.  Look at the baseline of that picture, the ‘P’ word! Patience.

For those who are Patient, and Committed, show Intensity, mobility/stretching and discipline with your fitness, you already know … it is no short-term goal.   There is no quick fix.  There is no magic pill, potion, lotion, or trick … it is hard work over time… it is a healthy lifestyle.  Period.

With the summer heat of Houston hitting us in the face, nobody wants to wear a sweater, long sleeves, or jeans to hide mushy or flabby parts.  It is time to train and train hard! (Actually it is always time.) I invite you in for a refresher course.  If you have not felt your body heat up or get a little sore from your exercise … well, it is time indeed. Come on in and let’s get moving.  

In good health,


“Long-Term Consistency beats Short-Term Intensity”  – Bruce Lee
