St. Patrick's Day Challenge - FIT Human Performance

St. Patrick’s Day Challenge


March 17, 2019

OK, here it is, the St. Patrick’s Day Challenge – Go try on your swimsuit!  

Nothing hard about that challenge … unless you have been living the good life and disregarding your fitness.  The ongoing joke at my house that I use to make my wife giggle, is when I go and try on a pair of pants or in this case a swimsuit and say “Darn-it, my pants shrank!” I am hilarious, and like a lot of people in denial and use humor as a way to hide in the truth and divert the attention with a good laugh.  

You are correct however; the clothes did not shrink at all.  Rather, I ‘anti-shrank’ to a little bit bigger size.  Nobody’s fault but my own, darn-it again!  I would like to blame all this on vegan food … but it isn’t true. This anti-shrink was self-induced all  by myself. Maybe it is because I like to pack on a few pounds to help me with my downhill skiing; a heavier body goes faster, stays warmer, and has better padding in case of falls!  Another lie, to hide the facts.  

There has been zero bicycling, zero running, zero dieting, and more than zero beers.  Yes, self-induced ‘anti-shrink’ size-sabotage.  And now I have to say “NO” to all the corned beef, cabbage and beer I will obviously have for St. Patrick’s Day with my bride.

Join me in the St. Patrick’s Day Challenge and go try on that swimsuit tonight for a progress report.  Next challenge … join me in getting FIT and healthy!

In good health,


Today I shall behave as if this is the day I will be remembered. – Dr. Suess
