Re-solve to Reach Your FITness Goals - FIT Human Performance

Re-solve to Reach Your FITness Goals


March 6, 2016Resolve

Here we are at the beginning of March and I wonder who has kept their resolutions thus far. I know a couple of clients that STILL haven’t had a drop of alcohol…OUTSTANDING y’all!! I too started the same resolution and blew it on the very next football game. We all have some level of disciple when it comes to goals and resolutions; in my case my goals were less important than my love of enjoying Sunday football. Huh, pity.

Industry wide, January has quite an influx of people starting a new fitness program, healthy lifestyle, physical goals …and my experience over the last 30+ years is that by March the influx comes to an end. Goals change, lifestyles returns to the habitual, and complacency that tells you to settle for what you see in the mirror or scale. Is that you? OK, Re-solve! Life is a journey of health, fitness, love, and experiences over time. Rome was not built in a day and fitness does not happen overnight. Health clubs are over-run with freshly motivated groups who give it a try for a while and then realize . WOW, this is a lot of work. DON’T QUIT! You can do this. Like Nike says, “just do it”!

The next big is St. Patrick’s Day…maybe that is the next reason re-solve and set a goal. You do not have to wait until next January; again life is a journey of health and fitness or whatever you make of it. Remember, nothing tastes as good as FIT feels.

Actually the truth is this article is inspired by a client who just now while writing this article walked with a big smile as his wife said “well he did it, he is under his goal!” Two 30-minute sessions twice a week, with more walking at his job and home and a better meal plan. It took 2 months of discipline but he reached his goal. And now he plans to keep it off and keep up the good work. Re-solve to do the work and reach your goals!

Have a success story you want to share, or a goal you want to discuss and develop a plan to reach? Please reach out to me. I want to be here for you.

Let’s re-solve your fitness! which is to convert or transform by a process.

In good health,


“Resolve; to convert or transform by a process.” – Websters Dictionary
