Nothing Tastes as Good as Skinny Feels - FIT Human Performance
February 19, 2012
The best part about loosing a few unwanted pounds and the sweetest words our ears can hear is a compliment from a friend about that loss. Truth is… losing weight is hard work! And, the older we get the more challenging loosing those extra LBs becomes.
There are endless reasons why;
It has been said that everything that tastes good destroys the waistline. Although there may be some truth to that, there is a bigger story. The plot lies in the “law of thermodynamics” or Calories in = Calories out. Eat what you want I like to think … realizing that all the foods we do enjoy have a thermodynamic effect. Calories are fuel! If this fuel is not used by your body (and that requires activity) this fuel sits in the tank (your body), and now that the holidays are over, your tank may be full, or even running over.
Here at F.I.T. we enjoy a small personal space that bears no crowds. Rather, a neighborhood gym that focuses on YOU and your individual goals. We make goals Functional, and the first part of that word is Fun! Really, we go back to the basics with balance, posture, strength, power and even throw in some cardio.
What you can expect to hear while at FIT are the sweet sounds of compliments for your active efforts and before you know it you’ll be sensing that skinny feeling. As for that yummy food, go ahead and eat (in moderation) … just burn your fuel off with FIT!
In good health
“Self delusion is pulling in your stomach when you step on the scales.” – Paul Sweeney