Life - FIT Human Performance



February 25, 2018 – 

Last week, while talking with a friend, I made a comment on obesity in America and how LIFE just gets in the way of exercise and or nutrition.  I have since looked at things as a realist and here is how I now see it …

Think of a time in your life when you were in school and dating and active.  First we were all a little bit preoccupied with attempting to be active and keep up with everybody else in sport, in work, and in health.  Our activity kept some weight off.  Then God willing we fall in love, and maybe slow down a little bit … thing movie night with popcorn, cuddling on the couch.  Before you know it, an extra 5 pounds packs on, and then we land a great job where we now sit for 5 or more hours a day … and the next 5 pounds hits our body.  Getting too busy with love and work to spend the 5 extra hours working out … and the next 5 pound has attached itself to that confident body that can still hide the added pounds with clothes.

Oh my, blessed with kids and having SpaghettiO’s or fast food for dinner … the next 5 pounds has found the legs and arms.  THEN as you begin to notice the added weight, the yo-yo dieting begins … but get real, we are already talking about 20 pounds added in 20 years.  OK, married with kids and busy with work it’s LIFE. Add a few amazing vacations, increased stress from the loss of parents or perhaps injury or disease and another 5 pounds creeped onto the morning scale reading. LIFE is totally interfering with your original 20-something body isn’t it?!

Actually did you even know that SpaghettiO’s recalled 15 million pounds of SpaghettiO’s with meatballs due to a cooker malfunction at one of the company’s plants in Paris, Texas,  leaving beef and noodles “under processed?” Yikes!  15 million pounds is a lot of O’s … too many to type.  But back to LIFE …

You can understand what has happened I’m sure.  The question is, what are you going to do now?  Well I know one thing is important to the equation, make time to exercise.  That is a large part of your self-repair, self-image, and self-esteem.  Do you remember how to work out?  Well I do … and still offer no ‘enrollment fee’, monthly dues, or contract.  I just want to help, and help you not get injured if  when you do return to an active lifestyle.  I say don’t wait another minute or day or year, get your body moving now!  You can do this!  Get your LIFE back!

In good health,


“LIFE moves pretty fast if you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.”  –Ferris Bueller

