It's Not Worth the Calories - FIT Human Performance

It’s Not Worth the Calories


September, 29, 2019 –

Just today, sitting at lunch with friends and discussing how to slow the aging issue with exercise and diet (the only true way for success), we were all offered a FREE cookie after our meal was finished.  Now with me sitting across the table there might have been a guilt moment BUT I’m rather sure the truth was clear with their comment. 

The server took their plate and placed a cookie down in front of them (a nice offering for a restaurant).   Low and behold, my friend said “no thank you, it’s not worth the calories!”  The grilled chicken sandwich was delicious and not packed full of mayonnaise or additional calories.  They seemed very content and by saving the few hundred calories from that cookie, there was most likely a caloric deficit for the morning (AM) ‘law of weight loss.’  The Law of Thermodynamics, or, calories in equals calories out!  It is that easy, burn more than you consume.  Bravo and brilliant decision making!

Another example of commitment when it comes to decision making is just being present while eating (my wife calls it mindful eating).   My friends were conscious that lunch ‘from a menu’ might be most of their daily caloric needs.  SO, the decision to avoid the COOKIE is the freedom for more healthy food later that day.  Thus, “it’s not worth the calories” is a brilliant way of exchanging the one food (cookie) for another healthier food later.

Make good food choices!

In good health,


“Every time you eat or drink you are either feeding disease or fighting it.” – Heather Morgan
