Happy, Healthy, FIT Thanksgiving - FIT Human Performance

Happy, Healthy, FIT Thanksgiving


November 28, 2013

Hard to imagine a Norman Rockwell scene of snowy wonderland, especially with this weeks cold, dark rain. No matter, it is a time of giving thanks.  Thank you to my friends who have trusted their health and wellness to me and let me share my 30 years of experience.  Thank you to the  business partners that allow me access to the necessities that make our days and nights here comfortable, and the little delights such as coffee and water, healthy snacks and sweet mints.  Thank  you to my neighbors in this center who share space, time, and support. Thank you Mr. Garbage Truck for removing the rubbish … and so many other blessings to give thanks over.

I am thankful for the joy  of a brilliant wife who helps me every day, the blessing of good health, and the ability to help those of you with your individual and very important fitness goals.  Some value their strength, others posture and balance, and a lot of us are just happy to be free from pain (all of the time).  Thank you my friends!  So I say, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families.

Oh, and I would be remiss if I did not remind you to chew your food thoroughly before swallowing, stay hydrated, and make some special Thanksgiving memories for yourselves. Anyone who purchases a FIT Personal Training package between now and Christmas, F.I.T. will make a  $50 donation in your name to CASA, the Court Appointed Special Advocates. (Use Code: CASA) You can learn more about CASA by clicking the following link. http://www.casaspeaks4kids.com/

In good health,


“Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light.” – Albert Schweitzer

