Football Challenge - FIT Human Performance
September 23, 2018 –
Are you ready for some football? Or, maybe you have had enough of politics and commercials when it comes to the NFL. Interestingly, my wife and I were viewing a very interesting show on NetFlix called ‘Explained’. There is one whole about Internet gaming (E-Sports). It claimed that e-sports will be the biggest sport in the world right after soccer by 2020. That seems hard for me to believe until I start to break it down, for one it is totally obvious that practically everybody has a computer in his or her pocket. The I-phone has made gaming accessible for all of us. Shoot, everybody has used the App store application to download a free game before a flight or boring class, right? E-Solitaire happens to be one of the most popular personal games in the world.
The new level of gaming has so much more with technical aspects, great graphics, team play, even if an old guy, non-gamer like me doesn’t totally get it. I was challenged with PONG! Then came SPACE INVADERS and we would skip out of class to go play it at Burger King for a dime. OH, then came PACMAN with even better and addictive sounds (like a Casino for children I guess.)
Before the e-gaming … there were games. Football is now an AP called ‘Madden’ and is a lot safer on people’s bodies. Every sport has an AP and the e-versions are very popular with kids. As I look out the window at kids walking over to the elementary school they are staring at their phones and my guess is they are fixated on a game. But what of exercise? If the game is in their hands, will there be a need to actually play it anymore? This could be a double negative n my opinion.
Realizing the lack of school sponsored physical education classes, free sports and community programs for fitness, the cost and start up for new sports equipment, and then lessons or private training … real physical sports could become a thing of the past. I do not like how that is sounding. And this is not just a local dilemma, the entire world has become technical … a world of entertainment ,gadgets and e-sports. Machines are becoming more in charge of our lives than ever before. Vladimir Puttin says, ‘AI (artificial intelligence) will rule the world as Russia, China, and the United States compete for the best tech. Whoever becomes the ruler of this sphere will control the world.’
Back to reality, American football is happening and because I don’t want PACMAN to swallow you up, let me give you a challenge for GAMETIME! A football game on TV lasts a few hours with time-outs, half time, and long winded broadcasting … so why not take that down time for some up-time! 100 squat challenge!! If you are going to watch all 4 quarters of a football game I challenge you to do 25 squats each quarter. Simply get up on your feet and squat down and touch your elbows on your knees, easy! Just get 100 done ok! Let the Football Challenge begin!!
In good health,
“Who needs sports stardom when you can shoot fireballs from your fingertips?”
― Ethan Gilsdorf