Fitness Blog | Personal Trainer | The Woodlands TX
May 13, 2012 If you’re wondering how to build muscle tone, then keep reading. First, to destroy all the myths out there about “toning” muscles … and then to tell you what you should do to get that toned look you really want. Myth #1: You CAN Tone Muscles. You can’t actually “tone” a muscle. […]
May 6, 2012 Remember that line from the Lifeline Medical Alert commercial? Fact of the matter is, it was no laughing matter, but rather a very real problem for those who truly have lost both balance and strength. My parents, and most people, at one point or another will fall. No body is exempt from […]
April 29, 2012 In the fitness industry exercise equipment comes and goes like most other fads and trends. Every year the ‘miracle’ machine comes out! Guaranteed (don’t forget to read the fine print) to make us thin and fit in 5 minutes a day. There are countless brands on the market in this day and […]
April 22, 2012 Here’s the deal; we have over 200 bones and that structure is our framework. No need for definition or explanation of attachments, articulations, or action… No bones about it. They are needed, without bones we are jellyfish. However, this living tissue needs work too. Bones are alive; living tissue rather than steel […]
April 15, 2012 According to a recent Gallup poll, 26% of American adults are obese. To be considered obese, a person must have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher. The obesity epidemic has been going on for decades, and today health-care costs associated with obesity are estimated at $147 billion a year. […]