Fitness Blog | Personal Trainer | The Woodlands TX

Bob Report

Bob Report

Don’t Take My Word For It

Don’t Take My Word For It

November 10, 2013 I write often about the many ways exercise is good for you and why EVERYBODY should be getting some form of exercise! Oddly enough, this week both my wife and I came across articles by some very smart people about some very smart people, and guess what the articles said ….. you […]

Pizza … Could I be Addicted?

Pizza … Could I be Addicted?

November 3, 2013 If you have known me long enough then you have heard by now my reaction to the word ‘pizza’.  If a picture of a slice happens to hit my eye, I salivate.  If my wife hints that “we are tired and don’t have time to cook” , I dream in ‘pizza’.  If […]

Chain of Action

Chain of Action

October 27, 2013 So what do we think about when deciding what exercises to use when training clients, and why do we use them in any certain order?  I am asked this question  every so often?  And, how do we remember all this stuff?  Well, at FIT our exercise selection is customized for each client […]

Chasing Fitness

Chasing Fitness

October 20, 2013 What if the health and fitness you experience right now, right at his very moment, is what you will live with forever?  A long and healthy life, just exactly the way you are right now!  Would you, could you, be happy? While talking with Austin today I had an epiphany, and here […]

HELP, I’ve Fallen Out of Shape

HELP, I’ve Fallen Out of Shape

October 13, 2013 A big question we all have is “what happens if I stop working out”?  How long will it take before I fall out of shape again?  First, the bad news:  it takes only about 8 to 12 days to lose cardiovascular training adaptation.  That means your lung volume or vital capacity changes […]
