Fitness Blog | Personal Trainer | The Woodlands TX

Bob Report

Bob Report

Make Time for Health

Make Time for Health

February 16, 2014 Frequently I ask people where they work out or what they do to stay healthy. Those that are making time for health and fitness are SO glad to answer it becomes a conversation.  Those that are not taking their health seriously quickly change the subject or have the ‘Executive answer’, “exercise, I […]

The commercials are the best part…

The commercials are the best part…

February 9, 2014  Last weekend I must admit the commercials were slightly more entertaining than a sporting event that broke out during a Bruno Mars concert.  Many of the commercials are a creation by a product or company to make us believe we want that product.  And I must admit, I want a lot of […]

All the Right Moves

All the Right Moves

February 2, 2014 In a previous article I briefly mentioned our ‘primal movement’ of squatting and while as a child we earn our own mobility with time, strength, and balance.  What I did not really dive into was how our muscles learn these movements.  And truly to force a bunch of medical data into a […]

How Low Can You Go?

How Low Can You Go?

January 26, 2014 What is the #1 movement your body can do to maintain overall strength and flexibility?  In 1 or 2 seconds I can show you – it’s the “baby squat.”  Our bodies spend the first 9 months in a fetal position, and it is critical to our overall health that we maintain the […]



January 19, 2014 Many of us already have pot, POT-bellies, that is – not the Colorado kind!  Our pot bellies have to do with fat storage.  The body is a very smart machine, a hell of a lot smarter than we are.  What our bodies do when we don’t exercise, but eat too much food […]
