Fitness Blog | Personal Trainer | The Woodlands TX
Wishes for a safe, happy and fit 4th! In good health, Bob “Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.” – Albert Camus
June 28, 2015 Nothing beats strength training or resistance exercises for building and preserving muscle. Nothing beats strength training or resistance exercises for building bone. Nothing beats strength training or resistance exercises for building strength. That’s why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that all adults do strength training at least twice […]
June 21, 2015 Nobody has to teach a baby to squat. All babies act like babies until adults begin encouraging them to stand, walk, etc. On their own timeline babies will eventually get into squat position and just be very happy to be there. That infant cannot get into that position until the hips, knees, […]
July 6, 2014 BingeLook at yourself; after a good or bad nights sleep you wake up and tell yourself that “today I will be very healthy!” So after a jam-packed day of driving, walking, and working you retreat home to that safe place where nobody is watching. And the cravings begin… sound familiar? So the […]