Fitness Blog | Personal Trainer | The Woodlands TX
August 25, 2019 – In my life one thing is absolutely obvious … I’ve grown older. There are a lot of telltale signs; hairline, height, wrinkles, grey hair, and the list continues. Yup, we are ALL getting older and most likely finding flaws in ourselves. Energy, focus, vision, body weight, senses and intentions have likely decreased. Yes, ageing is […]
August 18, 2019 – Just the other day one of my very enthusiastic clients asked to bring her daughter with her for her session. “Of course!” She had her daughter in tow as they began the warm-up together on the cardio equipment. My client asked if I was very willing to answer some questions and help her with […]
August 11, 2019 – NP … some of you are trying to figure that one out in your head. I mention it all the time here in session and frequently get to define it when some of you show an interest … shoot I might just ramble on about it, even if you’re not interested. There are […]
August 4, 2019 – Did you know that every time you change your DIET your body and metabolism have to adapt to that change. If after days or weeks of routine patterns: breakfast, lunch, and dinner as an example, you decide, because a very healthy looking ‘actor or Doctor’ said so … your body has to […]
July 28, 2019 – Texas is such an awesome place to live!! We all have it pretty good and driving around The Woodlands yesterday my wife was saying exactly that. All the trees, and neighborhoods, and parks, and things to do … we are all blessed. And talk about a warm environment, well if you happen to be […]